A Difference Our Community Can Feel
A Century of Service In and We’re Just Getting Started
Since 1920, Greater Nashua Mental Health has been providing vital community services to residents and families in the greater Nashua region. Our mission: Empowering all people to thrive through excellent care, community engagement, and a commitment to innovation and growth.
In over 100 years since we first opened our doors, we’ve seen a lot of progress – and the results can be seen in all that we’ve accomplished to aid our community, and where we stand today as it relates to providing mental health services to our neighbors in need.
Culture of Inclusion, Compassion & Support: A culture that enables the agency to live into its vision by supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and staff mental and physical well-being.
Areas of focus: Staff satisfaction, staff retention, a culturally effective organization.
Intentional Development: Being proactively responsive to current and future changes in the community and the mental health field.
Areas of focus: Community Needs Assessment, Disparity Impact, Client engagement.
Excellence of Care: Delivery of excellent care to clients and their natural supports through evidence-based practices and person-centered approaches.
Areas of focus: Client satisfaction, Access to care, Client outcomes.
Empowered Community: Education, advocacy and collaboration with partners to prevent mental health challenges and promote understanding and wellness.
Areas of focus: Deepening of partnerships, GNMH Advisory Group, GNMH as mental health prevention and education resource for the community.
Our Core Values
We work together to achieve our collective goals.
To live out this value we:
– Acknowledge that we can’t do it alone.
-Notice and respect each other’s strengths and perspectives.
-Focus on what’s possible when facing challenges.
This is the pop-up content for the “Empowered Community” button.
We care about each other and our community.
To live out this value we:
-Seek first to understand, knowing that people are more than what we see on a given day.
-Empathize with what others are going through.
-Trust that people have good intentions and offer forgiveness when needed.
This is the pop-up content for the “Intentional Development” button.
We create conditions that allow people to thrive.
To live out this value we:
-Maintain hope for each other and our community.
-Honor and promote the freedom to choose from many paths to fulfillment, success or recovery.
-Utilize practices and provide resources that promote inclusion and support wellbeing for people of all abilities and identities.
This is the pop-up content for the “Culture of Inclusion and Support” button.
We show up as we are and accept others as they are.
To live out this value we:
-Acknowledge the importance of our unique lived experiences on our perspectives.
-Admit when we don’t know and commit to continuous learning.
-Take responsibility for mistakes.
Looking Ahead
We are committed to staying abreast of the emerging research and evidence-based and integrated treatment options in close partnership with other area healthcare professionals in our community.
Meeting the demands of the 21st century, we evolve and adapt, change our practices to meet the emerging challenges. One of our greatest challenges, however, will be to move a system of regulations and reimbursement for care that was created back in the 20th century to support the new advancements in care. Not all change moves at the same pace but there is movement and there is hope on the horizon.
Service by the Numbers
The following statistics refer to the number of individuals served by specific programs during FY23 (7/1/22-6/30/23).
- 1,763 – Adult Services
- 1,063 – Intake and Assessment Services
- 1,059– Child, Adolescent & Family Services programs
- 981 – Crisis Services
- 764 – Supported Employment Services
- 335 – Older Adults Services
- 189 – Mental Health Court
- 138 – Substance Use Disorder Services
- 57 – Homeless Outreach
- 90- Drug Court Treatment Program
- 78 – Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
- 76 – Housing Support Services
The numbers above represent the fact that many clients receive several different services, in order to meet their individual needs.
Communities We Serve
Greater Nashua Mental Health Center serves the Greater Nashua Region, which includes 10 towns. In the past fiscal year, we served a total of 4,720 unique clients as follows:
- Amherst – 109
- Brookline – 72
- Hollis – 68
- Hudson – 444
- Litchfield – 59
- Mason – 8
- Merrimack – 349
- Milford – 325
- Mont Vernon – 30
- Nashua – 2,898
- Out of Area – 358*
*Represents individuals from other towns throughout N.H. who primarily receive specialty services.