Supported Employment Services
Employment Services for a Productive Recovery
At Greater Nashua Mental Health, our goal is to help individuals who experience behavioral health disorders achieve a full recovery and lead productive, independent lives.
Research has shown that employment offers meaning to a person’s life and plays a significant role in the process of recovering from mental health challenges.
Why Choose Supported Employment?
We offer vocational services to help individuals fully realize their skills, experiences and interests to gain and maintain meaningful employment. You will have caring professionals in your corner throughout your employment journey.
- Supported Employment Specialists coordinate services with your treatment team
- Specialists help you define your interests and skills and match those with competitive employment opportunities in the community
- The process starts as soon as you express an interest in working. There are no pre-employment requirements
- Individualized supports are provided to help you maintain employment for as long as you want the assistance
- Choices about work and support are based upon your preferences, strengths and experiences
- Any client who qualifies for Community Support Services is eligible for the Supported Employment program
Information About Your Benefits
You may be worried that working will affect your benefits, such as Social Security and Medicaid. The Supported Employment Specialist can help you in obtaining accurate information about benefit programs that allow you to continue to receive benefits, or partial benefits, even when you are working.
Supported Employment Starts with You
The program does not force you to work. If you want to work, you will be given the supports and services to help you make your career goals a possibility. Working part-time is also your choice.
The Supported Employment Specialists at Greater Nashua Mental Health will help you find a job that fits your needs rather than a job that you have to fit into. It is your decision how long you continue to work with the Supported Employment Specialists after you have a job.
Program Information for Employers
Greater Nashua Mental Health wants to connect employers with capable, committed, conscientious and carefully screened employees! Our Supported Employment program provides continuous support to employees both on and off the job site to fulfill your employment needs.
What are the Benefits to Employers?
- Capable, committed and conscientious employees
- Carefully pre-screened applicants
- No cost job placement
- On and off job site support
- Regular reviews and consultations to measure progress and help assure success
- Information about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Start Fulfilling Your Employment Needs
Call (603) 889-6147 and ask to speak with a Supported Employment Specialist.