Substance Use Disorder Services for Adolescents
Substance misuse among young people is significantly higher in New Hampshire than the national average, so the need for developing treatment and recovery services that will meet the unique needs of our youth and young adults is vital. However, traditional approaches to working with adolescents with substance use disorders (SUD) have produced high drop-out rates and disappointing outcomes.
The Seven Challenges®
Our SUD program for youth, The Seven Challenges, is specifically designed to meet the needs of youth ages 12 to 18. It’s based on an approach that is particularly effective with young people, placing a special emphasis on creating a climate of mutual respect within which individuals can talk openly and honestly about themselves and engages them in actively thinking about their use of alcohol or other drugs and its affect upon their lives. In addition, this approach to recovery addresses the fact that, as is the case with many individuals with substance use disorders, many have “co-occurring” mental health disorders. The developmentally appropriate Seven Challenges program helps young people identify their own motivation and empowers them to meet their needs in positive ways in order to live well without drugs. Learn about The Seven Challenges groups for teens, young adults and parents/caregivers here.
The Seven Challenges – Brief™
Not ready to commit to the entire Seven Challenges program? We now offer The Seven Challenges – Brief to adolescents and youth who may be interested in knowing a little more about our regular program, but may not be ready to take on the full program. Seven Challenges – Brief consists of four one-hour individual sessions with a counselor for the purposes of assessment of substance misuse and co-occurring problems; brief therapy intervention for substance misuse; and support in response to external pressures for abstinence. Brief can be a stand-alone program, or clients may choose to enter into the more comprehensive Seven Challenges program which includes individual and group counseling, workbooks and journals, and other methods that are specifically geared toward adolescents, teens and young adults ages 12-18.
Interested in Knowing More?
You can call (603) 889-6147 if you have questions about any of our services.