Jacob’s Story

InteGreat Health Program

“Jacob,” a young man of 25, weighed 250 pounds when he decided to enroll in GNMH’s InteGreat Health program. Along with receiving the mental health services he needed, the InteGreat program offered Jacob  a convenient way to help him work on his physical health care needs at the same time.

Jacob received medical screenings and discovered that he needed to work on his physical health in order to live a long and healthy life, and he valiantly rose to the challenge.  Through InteGreat, he was connected to a Health Mentor from our InSHAPE program, a health and wellness program offered to our clients at Greater Nashua Mental Health.

The goal of the InSHAPE program is to improve physical health and the quality of life, reduce the risk of preventable diseases, and to enhance life expectancy.  By the time Jacob graduated from the program, he weighed 185 pounds!  How did he do it?  With the encouragement and guidance of his Health Mentor, he made the commitment to exercise regularly both at the gym and at home.  He also learned about better eating habits, and greatly improved his own.  As a result of his newfound fitness, Jacob has hiked several mountains, a sport he has discovered that he loves!

Now he also enjoys running, lifting weights and stretching. His blood chemistry has improved dramatically, and he has begun to view exercise and good eating habits as something enjoyable and beneficial in his new, healthy lifestyle.  Jacob has discovered the joy of good physical health and how it also improves mental health.  “Now I know that I deserve to feel better, and as a bonus, I look better as well!”

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